Media Center

Welcome to the MAST Media Center!  The goal is to assist students and teachers in finding and using information in a variety of formats and media. 

If the below links to the Electronic Databases do not work, click here for sign-in information and alternative links.  

For quick guide with instructions click here: 

Electronic Databases

To access databases go to JerseyClicks

For quick guide with instructions on accessing the Electronic Databases through Jersey Clicks then click on the image following image. 

For students enrolled in SUPA classes, you have access to the Syracuse Univesrity Library. See your SUPA teacher for more information. 

Visit SUPA Getting Started

List of Databases A-Z

History Research Guide for SUPA History. 

Other Links:

Owl Prudue Writing Lab - For up to date  information on citing sources. 


MAST Archgis Homepage.