School Nurse & Medication related Documents

(Please contact the school nurse if you have any questions related to the forms below)

Students who carry epinephrine auto-injectors for a severe life-threatening illness or allergic reaction must have these forms completed and returned to the school nurse:

  • Severe Allergy/EpiPen Forms (all pages must be completed as directed and returned to the school nurse):  PDF format

Students diagnosed with asthma and prescribed an inhaler must have the following forms completed and returned to the school nurse:

  • Asthma Inhaler Forms (all pages must be completed as directed and returned to the school nurse): PDF Format

The following form must be completed and returned to the school nurse to take a medication during school hours - prescription or non-prescription:

The following form must be completed and returned to the school nurse if a student will require medication while on a field trip:

Students with diabetes must have the following forms completed and returned to the school nurse:

  • Diabetes Forms (all pages must be completed as directed and returned to the school nurse): PDF format

Students diagnosed with Seizures must have the following form completed and returned to the school nurse: PDF format

A note on medications:  Students must bring medications in labeled containers with the proper forms.  This includes over-the-counter medications.   Medications cannot be given in school without the appropriate documentation.  This includes non-prescription pain relief such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen.