Student Activities
In an effort to promote and enhance student life and provide opportunities for students to build skills in the areas of teamwork, sportsmanship, and leadership, MAST offers a variety of Student Clubs and Activities. Each student activity group has at least one faculty advisory, who oversees all club activities and finances. Most club meetings occur during lunch, but some have meetings and events after school, which require parents to coordinate transportation home from school.
In addition to MAST's student activity groups, students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities at their home high schools. This is particularly important to student-athletes, who wish to engage in competitive or recreational sports not offered by the Monmouth County Vocational School District. While early dismissal from school is not approved for regular, routine practices, early dismissal is granted for mandatory practices (time trials, scrimmages, etc.) and all official matches or meets. MAST has had hundreds of student-athletes over the years who have fully participated in athletic programs at their home high schools. Coaches do not deny participation on sports teams due to the fact that their athletes attend MCVSD Career Academies, and are willing to work with parents to make arrangements to accommodate MAST's school schedule.
Formal Activities
Academic Team
Advisors: Ms. Moorzitz and Ms. Skrba
Class Advisors
Senior Class Advisor: Ms. Tomalesky
Junior Class Advisor: Ms. Ng
Sophomore Class Advisor: Ms. Cappadona
Freshman Class Advisor: Ms. Moorzitz and Ms. Skrba
Advisor: Ms. Kaiser
Visual and Performing Arts
Advisors : Ms. Kaiser and Ms. Stromberg
Drill Team/Color Guard
Advisors: Chief Fetherman, Senior Chief Vaccarella and Commander Smith-Yeoman
Key Club
Advisors: Mr. Cutrell and Ms. Oppito
Environmental Club
Advisors: Ms. Ng and Ms. Baskin
Mock Trial
Advisor: Commander Smith-Yeoman
National Honor Society
Advisors: Ms. Tomalesky
Spanish Club
Technology Students Association
Advisor: Ms. Moorzitz
Advisors: Mr. Cutrell